Monday, March 24, 2008

The right name

Exam: check! Project: check! Proposal: Check! Presentation: check! OK, I’m done! Yeah, I started my spring break Friday afternoon and finally was able to finish “Elijah” by Jacquelyn Frank. My opinion has not changed, this story is too dull! Some unimportant scenes stretch forever and ever… Anyhow, Elijah got his bride the queen of shape shifters Sienna, Gideon and Legna died and came back, Noah went almost crazy and Jacob and Bella finally named their daughter Leah, Mary died and Ruth promised to take revenge! All in good time!
Then it was “Child of a Dead God” by Barb and JC Hendee. It is the sixth book of The Nobel Dead saga and it is as bleak and frustrating as ever. Don’t get me wrong, the plot and storytelling is great. This couple knows how to write and do a great job of it. But the story is sad! I mean poor Sgaile died!!! Was it absolutely necessary to kill that elf? I was kinda getting attached to his honorable ways and elegant manners. Ahh, well, and Osha! Now he has to leave the assassins caste. Good news is, Magiere’s undead half brother Welstiel finally (hopefully!) is dead, bad news is Chane escaped (courtesy of Wynn again!). Good news is Leesil and Magiere got home and got married, bad news is they can not stay there and live happily as they dreamed about. It is all that old elf’s fault, that Most Aged Father guy! Why no one kills him for goodness sake! All his people are assassins and no one will take his miserable life? And what will happen to Li’kan? She just dies of hunger now that Margiere took the Orb? The book was bittersweet, more bitter than sweet actually! Yes, our heroes achieved some success, but they lost a lot too, mainly their loved ones! I’m not very enthusiastic about the next book; I fear something bad is going to happen to them.
And then I finished “The Undead Next Door”. Yaay, at last something with happy ending!
What is wrong with these authors? How they name their books? “The child of a dead god” had nothing to do with its story; I still don’t know who this child was! Is it Magiere or was it Li’kan? Huh?
And then this “The Undead Next Door”! You would expect a love story between two neighbors when one of them is a vampire, right? Wrong! The hero and heroin where not neighbors, they didn’t live close to each other or anything. They meet at a party and then someone wants to kill the guy and the girl fights him and now she is in danger and he has to protect her and they fall in love and kill the valiant together! So, how it all relates too next door neighbors, I couldn’t figure it out! And just between you and me; the author didn’t know anything about fighting or sword fighting. Her war scenes were like reading a movie script, like: then he drew his sword and he jumped in the air and… ah, heck! It wasn’t a good story, why should I bother?!

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