Sunday, March 16, 2008

Gods and Provence

I have to finish writing my PhD proposal and I can’t write! I’ve got writers’ block! How stupid is that! On the other hand, I have no trouble writing about how frustrated I am! Sorry, guys; you have to suffer the consciences!
Anyway, a few days ago, I spend a day and half finishing two wonderful books.
The invitation to Provence” by Elizabeth Adler was a simple romance. The great thing about the book was all the description of Provencal landscape and great foods and wines and happy scenes, flowers, sunsets, village scenes… I needed to escape somewhere peaceful and this book provided it with its simple wordings and uncomplicated plot.
The other book was a humorous modern epic, “Gods Behaving Badly” by Marie Phillips. For all the fans of Greek mythology, this book is a must read. What happens if the entire Greek pantheon is going to live in our modern world cramped together in a little house in London? Read the book and find out!

Also I'm half way into "The undead next door" by Kerrelyn Sparks. It is the fourt book of Love At Stake series and looks promising. I may start reading the rest of the books of the series after my exams!

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