Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ranting and Bitching!

What a life! I took that exam and aced it and it wasn’t easy! How do you pronounce Pfiesteria piscicida anyway? Or Pseudo-nizchia for that matter? And who the hell cares?
Then over the weekend I worked on a field trip report and finished a site sketch who put Rembrandt to shame (yeah, sure!)! Also finished a couple of books:
Gucci Gucci Coo” and “Breakfast at Stephanie’s” by Sue Margolis. Very boring, very cliché. This author has great ideas but she pushes so much stuff into her stories that she gets confused and wraps things with very lame endings.
Then “Odd Mum Out” by Jane Porter, the story of a rebel without a case. Sheesh… talk about hanging to your past with all you’ve got. What was it she wanted to prove anyway?
A new book again: “The Accidental Werewolf” by Dakota Cassidy. OK, this one is not that bad. I’m a couple of chapters into the book and love how the plot is unfolding. Let’s wait and see!
Have you met people whom keep moaning and bitching about simple things in life? Like the length of their hair or its color, or wanting to change their car or lose weight or how much they hate their job or……. And just keep bitching and bitching and do nothing about it? How frustrating is that? To listen day after day and visit after visit to someone complaining about the same old crap over and over… you know the worst part? All their problems are easy to fix, just they have to move they lazy butts to a store or to gym or … just do something! But no, they prefer to bore you and me every single frigging meeting! Why shouldn’t we shout at them “Hey dude! Move it!”? And you know what the absolute worse is? There are some guys who do this too! I mean yeah, you kind of get used to a moaning nagging unhappy gal after a while but a guy? How pathetic!

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