Monday, July 23, 2007

Later maybe!

Finished “Friends in High Places” by Marne Davis Kellogg. It is from a series with more than ten books, this one being the most recent in the series. Kik Keswik was the most notorious and daring jewel thief, but she is retired now living in a ranch in Provence with her husband Sir Thomas Curtis an ex-detective from Scotland Yard. Her nickname? Shamrock bulgur. His nickname? Samaritan Bulgur. They are minding their own business, enjoying French wine and cuisine and a quite upper crust country life with no shadow in site (except his fascination with a hot TV reporter and his often absents due to his job assignments) till Kik overhears a conversation in a party. Her past has come to hunt her and she needs all her skills and cunning (plus some uber cool cloths and make up tricks) to right the wrongs and enjoy some great parties in the process. I only read another book of this series some years ago. I’m fighting a major temptation to put hold on all the books of the series but so far I haven’t bended!
Other than that, I started “Coyote Dreams” Book Three of The Walker Papers by C.M. Murphy. The series is about a police officer and shaman named Joanne Walker, battling some strange paranormal forces. The whole thing has a Native American background, the shamanism, totem animals, demons, healing, drums…, everything. I left the books half finished because didn’t like the writer’s style. Hey, that belief system of Joanne’s felt very confusing and foreign and I am not interested in someone else’s nightmares…I have plenty of my own, thank you very much!
Colleen Shannon’s “Catspell” a paranormal romance (Ha!) happening in Victorian times is the story of two rival forces of ancient Egypt, fighting over immortality, ethics, power, and a beautiful girl –a direct descendant of queen Cleopatra, no less-. I give you this, in these cheesy romances you don’t have to look for logic or even expect a good background research from the author. Someone (!!) didn’t even know Civet cats are not from feline family but related to otters and mongoose. I’m not gonna mention all those mistakes in Egyptian mythology. Why bother anyway! He/She can assemble a bunch of nonsense with no one even batting an eye to correct her. Why would we? Not worth the effort!
Another good old fashion romance was “Beware of Doug” by Elaine Fox. Cute story of a man-hating pooch protecting his owner from advances of the suitors!
X-Rated Blood suckers” by Mario Acevedo would have been fun if I was a guy with appreciation for crude jocks, bad language, description of sexy porn stars and action in form of lots and lots of shooting and explosion. Pretty gross for me considering a lack of necessary equipment to understand blood and gut and fire and big bangs and big … ah, well… every thing else (!). A vampire version of Sam Spade/ Rambo (with a little of Arnold thrown in) is searching for truth in the murder of an ex-surgeon turned porn star! Ah, the ways we amuse ourselves!
I am absolutely bored with all these books, no writing talent, no excitement, not even one good plot. Where are all the good books? You said "Harry Potter and Deathly Hollows"? I’m actually planning a little retreat, reading from the first book and finishing the series in a couple of weeks or maybe in a couple of days depending on my mood. I want to savor the books one by one in peace and have fun. I know I would be disappointed and the last book is sad. Right now I’m not in the mood for sad!
Later in a few days or a few weeks!

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