Saturday, March 24, 2007

Happy spring break!

Hooray! I’m back. Yes, I finished typing that report last night at 7:00 and dear hubby helped (a lot!) and I came back to the land of living! So today I turned that in and had lunch with a friend and went shopping. Yep! Shopping, after so long. It felt good, felt wonderful in fact; so much that I kept buying and buying and… yeah, you name it, a purse, a vest, skirt, dress, blazer, top, jeans, earrings, bracelet, cardigan… oh, my… all good pretty things, and I swear, I need every single one of them! I mean it was more than a month ago that I bought two new handbags, right? And this one is so totally different! It is designed after famous quilted Chanel bag, is tiny and the quilted patterns are its brand monograms and it’s white… so cute! The blazer is bright red… love the color but still not sure about it. It doesn’t go with too many things in my closet. The skirt’s cut is beautiful. Not so sure about wide leg jeans either (but like them never less!). The dress, OK the dress… It is a T-dress, very light and summery, and I wanted it in hot pink (or was it more bubble gum pink?) but the pink one looked cheap and cheesy, so I got it in black which now makes the number of my casual black dresses to four and I don’t wear black dresses that much… not during the day (too formal), not at night (still too cold!). So what should I do with this new one? Just leave it on the hanger beside the other three, I suppose! Which kinds of makes me to regret spending money on it… huuuuuuuum! May be I should return it? Return or no return? Let’s think about it!!!
What else, ooooh, yes! Four new books! Guess what? One of the books is: “A Girl’s guide to Retail Therapy” by Amy Elliott. Like I need any help… may be I need help, come to think about it in the lights of black dress dilemma. Anyway, the book is totally cute, all blue-violet and purple; with cute graphics… as soon as I got home, I started reading it. It should help me not to make mistakes in my shopping frenzies anymore.
Finished “Real Vampire Have Curves” too. It’s a series and the second book continues the story. This one didn’t end well, no; I don’t mean “happy ending”, I mean a weak leaving-you-hang-by-your-finger-nails ending! Reserve judgment after reading the second one!So far so good, I’m happy, cats are happy, Dear hubby is probably happy! And after taking the quiz in shopping guide book, I found out that I’m not such an expert shopper that I usually thought myself to be. I need (alas!) guidance! Ha and ha and ha!!

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