Thursday, September 30, 2010

"The Tale of Oat Cake Crag"

Latest in The cottage tales of Beatrix Potter: “The Tale of Oat Cake Crag” by Susan Wittig Albert was one of those books that I’d waited for for a long time. Let me repeat, I love this series! It is a cross between children story/fairy tales and a mystery novel and sometimes read like a movie script. It is the perfect read for when you want to relax and forget the real world, specially on a hot summer afternoon.
In this story, Miss Potter is asked to find a blackmailer. Also everyone is getting married in the Land between the Lakes and all the talk is about love, except when people complain about a noisy new invention taking the skies and invading their peace! Our favorite green dragon is back and the head badger has a birthday party. Rascal plays hero and save a life and Professor Galileo Newton Owl is thinking about a coat of arms…
My wait for the next book has begun and is bitter-sweet. It will be the last book of the series, book number eight and after that Miss Potter stays in the Land between the Lakes.

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