Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Harry Potter in seven days (or years!)

All the doom and gloom mood of mine in past couple of weeks primed me for Harry Potter! So I started reading from book one and worked my way very slowly (it took a whole week!) to book seven “Harry Potter and Deathly Hollows”. Rowling changes her story telling style in the last book and adopts an epic kind of format, high drama, and heroism. I think this book is the best one in the series but maybe I’m still shaken from that last battle! Another point is you can see how these seven years has changed and shaped Harry, from an unconfident neglected boy to a good leader with a hearth of gold.
However indecisive and lost, Harry after the death of Dobby becomes a responsible goal-oriented person.
The climax of the story is when truth about Snape is revealed. His fishy character during the series attracts different reactions but mostly hate and dislike. Although Harry hated Snape, at the end of each year he learned and gained something from him. Book seven is not different, Harry and every one else learns something about Snape which causes them to remember him forever.
All and all, a mesmerizing story and great series which I will go back reading again and again. My only concern is that by making a movie of this one, the great story and high morals of it will be lost.
I won’t call it an entertainment, the whole series is about morals, trust, ethics, loyalty, and love; concepts we do well to apply in our daily lives.

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