Friday, March 30, 2007

The Scot, The Whitch, and The Confused

I finished another couple of Mediator books. “The Mediator 2: Ninth Key” is about Suze in her third or fourth week in Carmel. She got a case of Poison Ivy, a cute athletic guy with a wannabe vampire father and a killer uncle, and two Neanderthal stepbrothers to deal with. The other book is “The Mediator 4: Darkest Hour” in which Suze has a summer job. She meets an eight year old mediator and his cute brother. An enraged ghost who turns out to be ex fiancé of her Jesse wants to kill Suze. Some one exorcises Jesse and Suze has to go to the other side to get him. And that new guy Paul? He is not what he seems!
Aside from the childish innocent of Meg Cabot work, I’m still reading that “The Scot, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” book and falling slowly (very very slowly) under Rory’s spell. As hard as I try I can’t see what the draw is. I mean I normally don’t like rough blue collar guys. I am not attracted to drawls (or was it drawges?) and I hate bossy guys. So what is it that makes this Rory guy such a hottie? His red (sorry, mahogany!) hair? His beard? (Yukkkkkkk!) His not standing sense of humor? His Hermit status? What?
This is the third or fourth book I’m reading in a month period which has a Scottish man as a hero and honestly I can’t see what all the fuss is about. Someone please tell me what makes these Scot guys hot? Their crabbiness? Their antisocial status? Them being hermits? Their crudeness? Why are girls falling left and right for them? Haa? Why?

1 comment:

Harlot said...

Aradia, i don't understand it either but have you read Julie Garwood's Scots? Oh my. Those boys are fiiiine. :P HONOR SPLENDOUR, SAVING GRACE, THE BRIDE..