Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Finished a box of fine Van Lys Belgian Chocolate in two days (with a little help from love of my life!). It's a record, even for me! These chocolate candies are in different shapes like walnut (white), hazelnut, almond and a couple of traditional truffle shapes, an assortment of white, milk and dark chocolate. Fillings are light and smooth and not too sweet. All in all, very yummy!
Now, if I only could convince my husband not to eat them with a glass of milk!!
Also finished "The Red Heart of Jade" by Marjorie M. Liu, which I didn't like that much. Characters are way-out-there and oh-so-romantic, not real at all. Plus, the plot is too far fetched and outlandish...
Can you see I'm doing every thing except work on my class project?

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