Breaking news: I finally gave in and used a book-reader. I know, shocking! I hated audiobooks and reading ebooks on the computer screen. I love the feel of paper and the weight of the book in my hands. I’m old fashioned that way. So what gave? There were three novellas available only as ebooks and lo and behold, there it was; my kindle languishing at the back of my closet (well, no; my husband has been using it!). And after I saw how very fast and convenient (buying books at midnight from the comfort of my bed? I’m all for it!) everything was, well I’m a convert! That I thought is a good excuse to start posting here again (using book-reader being a milestone in my reading career).
It’s been so long posting here, doing book reviews. I’ve been reading constantly but didn’t have the creative energy to write about them. So there is this big pile of titles, all read; waiting for me to do reviews on or at least list the names.
These last few months, I’ve been busy first teaching a few labs, then preparing papers and presentations for no less than three conferences, writing a journal paper and trying to do some lab work and research. When you look at these in retrospect, it seems my last ten months have been very productive. Here I’m gonna confide in you, it didn’t feel like that at the time!
Well, OK, back to books!