Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Truth series

This series includes four books written by Dawn Cook. Well, we all know the author with her other name better; our dear Kim Harrison the author of Rachel Morgan series.

Books are: “First Truth”, “Hidden Truth”, “Forgotten Truth" and “Lost Truth”.

Happening in a different time and space, humanity are divided into three races, the Coast people, the people of Foothills and the people of the Plains. The mixing of these races are forbidden. Alissa a mixed-race girl doesn’t belong anywhere even to her family’s farm. Her mother sends her on a journey to find a mystical school and learns of her heritage: Magic.

“First Truth” is the story of her journey and her meeting with Strell a wandering musician and bard. They find the school deserted, a master imprisoned and a keeper advancing his own agenda.

In “Hidden Truth’, Alissa and Strell try to find a hidden book of magic and keeping it out of the hands of a power hungry keeper. The book once found transforms Alissa and helps her with her magic. “Forgotten Truth” is when Alissa tries a new spell and ends up in past, four hundred years into the past. As she struggles to return to her time, she meets and interacts with powerful masters and magicians. And finally in “Lost Truth” Alissa and her friends decide to look for the rest of masters and magic students and bring life back to their school. So they embark on a journey into the seas…

These books are entertaining and at times funny, the characters are well thought out and the books well plotted; not that we would expect less from Ms. Harrison (aka Cook)!

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