Saturday, September 6, 2008

Beezy bee, beezy bee, yeah; that’s me!

Well, hello there! Did you miss me?! Been really awfully busy!
How is it that for months and months there is nothing exciting in life and you get bored out of your mind and then suddenly your schedule is bursting with appointments and meetings and parties and travel and…. I’ve been attending meetings and seminars, lots of parties and lunch dates and dinner engagements and quite some great traveling and sight-seeing these past few weeks and still have lots planned for coming weeks.
Have you heard that Chinese proverb: “May you live in interesting times”? Yeah, that’s me, living the interesting life! And yes, it is true what they say about that proverb, it is not something you wish for usually! I feel like a highly charged battery, very hyper and kinda lost! Too many pictures in my mind, too many words in my head, too many new people…
Anyway, been visiting the nation’s capital and all the greatness it had to offer. Gosh, I so want to live in a big city again! All that museums, wow; I was a kid in a candy store, a bear in a honey pot, a … OK, enough!! I lived in a green dream for five days and am still dreaming about deer and caverns and grand buildings and green mountains and great works of art. My eyes are still full of sparkles of all those gemstones and crystals I’ve seen, how am I suppose to go back to living the unglamorous life of dear southern California?!
No shopping opportunities though and NO, I’m not regretting! My eyes had been feasting enough and also I have a shopping spree planned right here (ha ha ha!).
Have been working on a bar of “Green and Black’s Organic” dark chocolate before leaving for east coast and my good choice was confirmed by my sophisticated friend there too! How cool is that!
Readings? Not much in the past three weeks but have discovered a couple of great series last Thursday. Full account requires another post! Keep tuned!

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